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Okay, so, this blog is a collection of short stories, poems, and other random writing crap that comes from my horror loving, the-more-blood-the-better mind. Now, before we continue, let me clarify a few things about myself and my blog.

1. I am introverted. Introversion  is not being anti-social, bipolar, or insane. Being an introvert mainly means that you need to 'recharge' yourself after being around groups of people. You also like to think before you speak, and are concerned with your own personal and mental life; you like to think about your feelings and other things deeply.

The reason why I'm introverted is because I have slight overbite from falling off a swing-set when I was very young and my parents couldn't afford braces until now. Ever since that day, I've been teased, bullied, ridiculed, and taunted continuously all through my school life; 10th grade isn't so bad now, but I still have to deal with a certain number of idiots who just can't seem to remember my name; I basically have a hard time trusting people because I'm afraid they'll hurt me, which is true because I have tried to open myself up to people, but in about two or three days they'll gang up  and make fun of me so I just shut up and concentrate on my studies; I'm too mature for my age.

2. This blog has stories,poems,etc.... that mainly focus around fantasy/horror/action genres. I've always loved reading these types of genres and when I first started writing at age 12, I was hooked. I wanted to be just like Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King, and, heck, James Patterson when I grew up and became a writer (freelance), and that's my goal,

Become a freelance writer.

3.  I'll update my blog 2-3 times a week with either a poem or short story. After I update,I'll post a one word/sentence writing prompt to help inspire you to write. I'll also post articles about writing/prompts for you to enjoy.

So, that's about it. Please subscribe,comment, and share for fresh, entertaining stories, poems, and articles by moi.

-T.S (Alexia)


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