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The boulder is so heavy, crushing me slowly into the Earth; I have no strength or breath to scream.

My skull compresses against my brain, it hemmorages and splits like a banana peel. It drips out my ears like lukewarm oatmeal,

I feel no pain.

My bones are ground together, they snap like twigs in a fire, hot marrow and spum drip my mauled, broken skin.

My chest is being squeezed together like two hands holding each other.


A sharp sharpnel of rib breaks off,

Directly aimed at my heart.

My eyes leak down my cheeks,

My head is forced into my mouth,

Jaw and liquid brain connect, teeth bite sharply into the bone and.........

Author Note: Kinda creepy, ain't it? I wrote this poem/short story (whichever way you want to look at it) in the 9th grade and forgot about it since. Now in the 10th, I stumbled upon it in one of my old writing journals and thought you guys would enjoy reading it.



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